Government Workers-A Subject of Debate


Civil and public servants in a sizable number of states in Nigeria have continued to grumble over the non-implementation of the 30,000 Naira new minimum wage.

Indeed, State Governors insist that dwindling allocations and revenues are stumbling blocks that have actively prevented the living wage from becoming a reality in the States.
This is just as a big chunk of the monthly allocations continue to drown in the pool of white elephant projects.
Most labor unions have maintained a worrisome silence on the issue, just as workers argued that self-centered interests have overwhelmed the mindset of an unspecified number of labor leaders. The workers are disappointed.


 Some State Governors have now coopted the confused and disillusioned workers into revenue generation methods that are synonymous with crime, criminality, and sudden wealth.
The above mentioned among some other reasons have stimulated agitations by the workers in low tones since their acts of omission and commission are better imagined than exposed.
Sadly, mutual suspicion and distrust are the hallmarks of relationships in Ministries, Departments, and Agencies.
Furthermore, the questionable lifestyles of workers in the states have become subjects of debate among all and sundry in these times of excruciating economic hardships.


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