
Showing posts from August 4, 2024

Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra

The Prime Minister of Thailand between 2001 and 2006,Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand, mismanaged and frittered away the country's resources, running into billions. The country's Assets Examination Committee indicted him for corruption and other illegal acts, including becoming extraordinarily wealthy after five(5) years of governance. Shinawatra went into exile to Britain when corruption charges were about to be filed against him. While sojourning in Britain, he bought the Manchester City Football Club for $168 million.

Hear the Word

Lord our God, help us to listen to those who speak to us and hear Your word. Amen. Mark 4:13-20 13 And he said unto them,  Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables? 14 The sower soweth the word. 15 And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. 16 And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; 17 And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they are offended. 18 And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, 19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. 20 And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word,