Learning and its Challenges
An official report in Great Britain in 1818 described the overall outcome of education of all sorts in this period as a'' lamentable deficiency'' in education for the poor. Even though the voluntary effort was restricted to the towns, the country districts constituted wells of ignorance. It is to be noted that some districts in London had half of their population in the category of stark illiterates. Sadly, this is the situation in most states in Nigeria today. The vice of ignorance is now a dangerous threat to public order. The deliberate creation of the uneducated by the government at all levels is now the basis for misrule and poor governance. Political reasons for the deteriorated standards of education are visible everywhere in the country, even as political concessions have overwhelmed educational opportunities. The government discrimination at all levels, in public-owned educational institutions, has ensured that indigent children must be held responsible for t...