Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

Most communities in Oyo state among other states in Nigeria have been overwhelmed by criminals, a significant number of whom are residents. These criminals take time to observe happenings in these communities from shops, beer parlors, hotels, and abandoned buildings in these communities after which they facilitate heinous and grievous crimes.
In Molusi, Solanke, Oyegbami, Oshodi, Olorunsogo, Barracks, Aluko, Felele, and several other communities in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo state, electricians, petty traders, barbers, commercial motorcycle operators, and mechanics and beer parlor operators secure accommodation for questionable characters, who no terrorize these communities. Sadly, the Landlords and Tenants Associations in these communities know these criminals but overlook their criminal activities, perhaps because of the pecuniary benefits accruing to them. Although they ensure they facilitate the collection of night guards dues from residents with all vigor. Children of school age, those in Primary and Secondary schools in these communities have constitued bad influences to serious minded pupils and studnents in most schools in the state. The outcome is the several unreported cases of crimes in these communities, while innocent residents continue to ponder over the constitutional roles of law enforcement agencies which seems to be non-existent


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