The Obsession to Conquer

The Norman conquest of England in 1066-1154 was characterized by the migration of whole peoples who displaced the earlier inhabitants of the land by expulsion or extermination. However, Duke Williams'victory at the Hastings brought about the imposition of a few alien governing classes on the Anglo-Saxon population. In addition, the Conqueror played the role of the lawful successor of Edward the Confessor, even though he was not. Interestingly, the Norman Kings who had very few followers, residing among the conquered population went the extra mile to protect them. This was why William the Conqueror introduced a legal system of communal responsibility for the crime to favor the Norman.
Happenings in Nigeria today, have semblance with the Norman period. Illiteracy, ignorance, hunger, poverty, and insecurity have over time emerged as tools of governance by successive leadership in Nigeria, since independence. Indeed, the behavior, choice of words, mode of dressing, hairdo of an unspecified number of Nigerians are very good reference points of the quality of leadership at all levels s of government in the country. Of worry, is the glaring erosion of norms and values. The insinuation is that a sizable number of citizens have been conquered by their leaders consciously or unconsciously. This has opened the way for mediocrity, injustice, nepotism, mutual suspicion, and inequality. Sadly, the obsession to conquer by a few has adversely and negatively affected the social, political, and economic development of the country to the detriment of the majority.


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