Save Face

The major discussion among Nigerians in every part of the country revolves around the hunger and poverty in the land. The people continue to complain of the prohibitive cost of foodstuff in the markets, the absence of quality health care delivery, the high rate of unemployment, and the declining productivity of workers as a result of poor conditions of service. Under the present situation, real income is very low due to low productivity. The inducement to invest is also very low as a result of the low purchasing power of the people. What has the government done to ameliorate the situation? This question continues to linger. Foreign investors have continued to observe the trend, which is obviously not favorable and decide against sinking their money in unsafe waters.
This in essence suggests that leadership at all levels of government now contend with ignorance, mediocrity, and the prominent lack of initiative to redeem the situation. In this situation, lies, deceit, threats, and other covert methods become tools of governance to save face.


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