The Necessity for Change

The function of a government goes beyond ensuring law and order, the arrangements to permit change must be functional. Change must revolve around consent and permission from the people. In several climes, the toleration of criticisms by governments attracted peaceful change and those who had visible potentials to partake in government are brought on board. But sadly, the fact that legislative chambers at the Federal and a number of states did not meet the minimum constitutionally stipulated sitting requirements in the outgone year is a great setback. Indeed, there is no ideal government for all places and there is no ideal for all times.
The security situation across Nigeria, the attitude of security and law enforcement personnel, and government go beyond scratching the surface.
When Government does not change promptly with the situation, the people become a major part of the challenges confronting the government. The experience of France at the end of the 18th century and Russia in the 20th century is instructive on the necessity for change. Note The docile nature of government officials, for pecuniary reasons, can be seen in the activities of an individual who sighted poultry at No. 2 Kehinde Aderibigbe Street, Olorunsogo, Molete, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria(red gate). Sighting poultry in a residential area constitutes a great danger to residents while the several numbers of doubtful characters who visit the poultry on a daily basis pose security threats for residents who still contend with crime and criminality.


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