Leadership by Wishful Thinking and Make Believe

The three point agenda of the present administration in Nigeria has painfully not taken the country anywhere in the face of widespread ignorance and illiteracy among the p[opulace in the last seven years. The failure to put the right people in the right positions has been the major challenge. In this clime, followership demands patronage, handouts and favors. These have impeded the search for credible leadership. Although certain political actors and national leaders have made invaluable contributions and given worthwhile counsel, their efforts have overtime been ignored.
Suspicions, hurts and doubts now characterize the relationship between Nigerians and their leaders. Sadly, the priorities of those-in-authority are yet to include the critical areas which continue to plague efforts at engendering meaningful economic growth and development, since peace and security are achievable, bit seemingly elusive. Culprits of heinous and grievous crimes are still on the loose, while it is very worrisome that the government at all levels have continued to tolerate the culture of impunity that has become an unwelcome part of the country's socio-political life. Interestingly, excuses have continued to be put forward for failures, just as the inability to ensure the security of lives and property is now very glaring. Those -in-authority ought to be committed to good governance, accountability and transparency. But unfortunately, this is not the case. Instead, activities of the government at all levels now revolve around wishful thinking and make believe.


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