Legacies for Local Manufacturers

Made-in-Nigeria goods and services are on a fast decline due to the unfavorable environment, local manufacturers ply their trade. The promise by Those-in-Charge to ensure a conducive environment for manufacturers is yet to be fulfilled many years after mounting the saddle. A sizable number of manufacturers have decided to close shops as a result of the galloping inflation, irregular electricity supply, high cost of diesel, difficulties in accessing foreign exchange, importation of sub-standard products, and most importantly, insecurity. Obviously, the government policy on manufacturing has, over time, led to divestment by focused and serious-minded investors, who have since looked outwards. Indeed, the suggestion, if unfolding events are anything to go by, is the government would leave legacies for the manufacturing sector devoid of an all-encompassing policy and tattered support system that would take years to revamp. Note- Political campaigns are underway and frontline candidates are engaging in mudslinging, name-calling, and the promotion of lies and half-truths, while the purpose of seeking public offices remains at the surface level due to the absence of unknown qualities of knowledge, depth, and agenda for development.


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