The Crime against Nigerians

The leaders have woefully failed to ensure participatory governance, which is facilitates the protection of the interests of Nigerians. From the center to the states, self-centered interests are the preference, since a sizable number of these leaders attained political offices through under-the-table means. Stagnation is the order of the day for most Nigerians, while suppression, manipulation and enforcement have become indispensable tools in the hands of Those-in-Authority. Without doubt, nearly all the democratic institutions have been deformed and rendered prostate, even as a criminal conspiracy against Nigerians has eventually been legitimized. King Herod as a Role Model Insensitivity, heartlessness, lack of accountability and deceit are now the hallmarks of those who claim to have been democratically elected. Nigerians now look up to God for deliverance from the dark powers that have constituted themselves into the Biblical King Herod. Their role model. Perhaps.


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