Zimbabwe Judiciary in Tanzania to Learn

ZIMBABWEAN Judicial officers led by Judge President of the High Court Justice Mary Dube are currently Tanzania observe how the country runs its judiciary with a major focus on Information Communication Technology (ICT).

“We do not know exactly how you go about this, that is one of the reasons why we are here, we want to learn so that when we go back home, we will be able to implement the system. We are also here to know how Tanzania got a way to get people from rural areas become connected easily to the system,” she said.

“As you highlighted earlier on, Tanzania is an old friend of Zimbabwe… and there are so many other African countries in this continent, which are ready on this system, but we chose you (Tanzania) because of your existing good relationship with us,”

“We are here to learn, we have embarked on the system, but we obviously want to make improvements …. before we embarked on the system, we used to hear matters physically, pleadings were being filed physically. We hope that we will be able to learn from your experience(s), we will share the little that we have gathered so far in the past two years,” Justice Dube disclosed.


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