The Unthinkable and the Avoidable

 Lawlessness, indiscipline, criminality, evil, ignorance, idleness and illiteracy are the basic foundations of terrorism. 

Presently, the upbringing of young people, strange doctrines and very abnormal ways of life in several communities in Nigeria speak volumes. 

Without doubt, the known and unknown conditions for breeding and training the unthinkable and avoidable have been met in communities such as Molusi, Onafuwa Solanke, Oyegbami, Olorusnsogo, Molete, Aluko, Felele, Scout Camp among several others in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. 

A very careful observation will unearth the fact that a different strain of terrorism is gradually taking root in this part of Nigeria. 

 Indeed, the parents, guardians, neighbors and the leadership at all levels should be held responsible and accountable for the dangerous drift towards terrorist tendencies by these set of young people, who are known by all and sundry.


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