Achieving your Dreams


Dreams are planned, pursued, and achieved.

Dreams don't come true on their own unless they are made to happen.

Steps to Take Towards Achieving Your Dreams:

1) Identify a dream

Without doubt, the journey to success starts with a dream. The dreams become a purpose and driving force to the destination.

Once a dream is identified, an individual now has an objective and is purposeful; life becomes meaningful while the journey towards actualizing your dream is on track.

2) Your goals must be realistic ;

It is quite convenient and realistic to set up goals with a six-month and 24-month accomplishment target.

Make a mental vision and evaluation of these goals, and give each of the goals a critical thought.

3) Diligence : Regardless of your desire or aspiration, diligence is a prerequisite. This is the secret behind success. Genuine successes never happen suddenly, accidentally, or by wish.

4)Determination :

Be determined in the pursuit of your dreams. Determination is the inner power embedded in you by God that enables you to defy any form of obstacle.

Without it, success is not certain.

In confronting your challenges, be determined.

5) Opportunities:

Identify opportunities and make good use of them.

In whatever form opportunities come, recognize them and fulfill your dreams. Read Jeremiah 23:28


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