The Worrisome Situation Today

The loyalty and commitment of the people are crucial to the success of any political system with a focused leadership.
However, the covert moral and financial support for criminals, would, without doubt, result in unabating insecurity and its attendant consequences on the political system and the economy.Transfer Money with Wise
The support is woven around self-centered and pecuniary interests.
The absence of cooperation on matters relating to the elimination of economic stagnation and political marginalization of the people is influenced by insensitive leadership.
This leadership seeks to tinker with the constitution and existing laws, in order to facilitate dictatorial acts of omission and commission in a bid to regulate the people's behavior while at the same time depriving them of a large volume of resources.

It is very glaring that a number of political blocs and ethnic persuasions have been deprived of participating in the decision-making process of the system, which has resulted in a clear case of oppression and overwhelming structural imbalance in the polity.
The issue now is the moral indignation by the people against obvious constitutional breaches, which has been misconstrued by the state actors to mean that the differences suggest that so much has changed.
The worrisome situation today is a product of the manipulation of the system, deliberate impoverishment of the people, and the negative influence of moneybags, who are now political office holders in this democracy.


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