Hearing in Suit Against ASCSN Sec Gen and two others begins Wednesday

Hearing of the suit between Andrew Emelieze and 5 others Vs Alade Bashir and two others begins on Wednesday 8 June 2022 at the National Industrial Court of Nigeria(NICN) Abuja Division(Court 1). The case with suit No. NICN/ABJ/69/2022 is before the President of the NICN, Hon. Justice B.B Kanyip, PhD FNIALS. Prior to the enactment of the Constitution (third alteration) Act, 2010, National Industrial Court was established by the Trade Dispute Decree, 1976, where matters relating to labour, trade union dispute, employment, conditions of service, welfare of employees were adjudicated upon. The court is empowered to adjudicate trade disputes, labour practices, matters related to the Factories Act, Trade Disputes Act, Trade Unions Act, Workmen's Compensations Act and appeals from the Industrial Arbitration Panel.


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