The Scramble for Power

Who are those that shall account for the unspecified number of innocent human lives that have been lost to violent crimes in this dispensation? This question continues to linger. In civilized societies, leaders seek power out of genuine nationalistic interest not only to transform the social and economic lives of the people but also to advance citizens' rights, the rule of law, and the course of democracy. However, in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, certain politicians continue to scramble for power in order to further promote sectional, selfish and personal interests.
The above-mentioned have been the focus in the center and the states. Months to the 2023 General elections, known heads of cults and other outlawed groups, who are proteges of prominent political office holders and politicians have continued to move around freely engaging in their Stock-in-Trade. They also threaten, intimidate and cow opponents during campaigns and participate in rigging elections. They have become a law onto themselves while their paymasters look the other way and law enforcement agents watch helplessly for pecuniary reasons. Perhaps.
Interestingly, no visible attempts have been made so far, to sponsor bills in the House of Assembly of a number of states, to outlaw the cult and cult-related activities. Sadly, initiatives and efforts geared towards curbing the menace of cultists and other criminals have over time been cosmetic for obvious reasons. Of worry is that the basic structures of the cult and other related groups are still intact, while the security machinery in the affected states has regrettably become lukewarm. It is really disturbing that top government officials have continued to be hypocritical in addressing the problem, just as diabolism and evil have taken over space.


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